Typo Tuesday, Week 2!

Welcome back to another edition of Typo Tuesday! I have a long Word document full of typo screenshots I’ve taken recently, but today’s post comes indirectly from a comment I received on yesterday’s post. The comment was about the ubiquitous misuse of the word “literally,” and in finding an article to add to my response, I came across not one, not two, but three typos in a small section of the article I found.

Keep in mind, I only skimmed the article, so there may be even more errors I didn’t notice — and there probably are more errors to find if I was able to find three in just a small area. I took a screenshot of the section where the first typo popped out at me, and in the process of cropping the picture, I noticed two more! Can you find them? I’ll post the original screenshot and then the same shot with boxes around the typos. Here we go…


Typo Tuesday!

One thing I’ve noticed about some blogs is that they have a theme for a particular day of the week. I’ve decided to try out “Typo Tuesday” to demonstrate the eagle eye I have for finding typos everywhere I go. A few months ago I even started keeping a Word document with screenshots of typos I find. It’s already quite a lengthy list, and I only take a screenshot if I find a typo in a serious, mainstream, non-message board website. If I didn’t set these limits, I’d never have time for anything else! (more…)