“I still have a cold.” That’s what the above Japanese says. A couple weeks ago my youngest daughter caught a pretty bad cold and the rest of the family fell like dominoes soon after. I was the last one to get sick but it’s been a doozy! Last week I got nothing done and it was only at the prompting of my husband that I got this blog started. Thanks, Honey!

Even though I don’t have the energy to jump in and write a dozen amazing posts, I do want to get into the habit of writing so there will be something here to read!

Me despido por ahora. I’ll take my leave for now.

EFL tips:

“They fell like dominoes.” = “They all got sick (or died — but fortunately no one died in the making of this blog post!).”

“It’s been a doozy!” = “It’s been terrible!”

“Honey” = a nickname many American husbands and wives call each other